The World is getting smaller and smaller, and its problems bigger and bigger.

Many feel no influence over global events and even in their localities where they do have potential influence, they have little information and few opportunities for connection.
They are over-exposed to globally controlled media and feel anxious, angry or helpless.
There is a growing culture of mistrust and disrespect for organisations, governments, media and each other.
If this continues the result will be social breakdown, more polarisation, extremism and conflict.
Our systems obviously don’t work for our benefit, and we need to change them.

At OurNet we have far more trust in the innate potential of humans to self-organise for the benefit of all, rather than in the skills and goodwill of self-promoting leaders to organise things for us.
We believe using OurNet Social Intelligence technology – mimicking innate human social behaviour – can make the difference we need.
What most of us are lacking is what the leaders of our countries and the world ensure that they themselves have.
Access to finding and connecting with relevant people
Secure communications
Ability to publish whatever they wish to influence others
To easily congregate privately or publicly
To easily organise in interest groups
To choose what to focus on
Our Vision
A world full of vibrant, productive, empowered communities
Our Mission
To provide a reliable and trusted framework to enable people to connect, communicate, collaborate, meet and exchange to transform their communities and quality of life

OurNet is a publishing, networking and organising framework designed to facilitate connection, communication and collaboration so that people all over the world can self-organise to influence and create the world they live in.
It is in the form of a Virtual Village Magazine to mirror real communities of both locality and interests.

You can see all the local news, get involved in a chat, or have someone answer your questions. An events section lets you know what’s going on in your area of interest.
And a marketplace to buy, sell or swap local services or products.
All in one easy to use, personalised online magazine.
No Data Mining or selling
You have full Publishing rights
Add, Edit and Delete articles, comments or posts at will. We will not keep a record
Build your own Reputation with Social Intelligence
As people get to know and trust you, your reputation increases and you become more visible.
If you choose aggression and attack, your reputation reduces and you become less visible
If you would like to participate in developing this project because you love humanity, please email me at